APCD as AAN secretariat conducted an online meeting on AAN future direction among the AAN Chairperson, representatives from AAN Secretariat, Yayasan Autisma Indonesia (YAI) and London School Center for Autism Awareness (LSCAA), Thursday, 26 March 2020.
The participants include Dr. Adriana Ginanjar, AAN Chairperson, YAI; Mr. Karnajaya Panji Putra, YAI; Ms. Candy Hernandez, LSCAA; Mr. Somchai Rungsilp, Community Development Manager of APCD, AAN Secretariat and Ms. Siriporn Praserdchat, Logistics Officer of APCD, AAN Secretariat.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and identify AAN future direction and the strengthening of other activities relevant to AAN that had been tabled at the last AAN Executive Committee (EC) Meeting in Laos 2019. The meeting resulted in the updating of AAN accreditation by ASEAN secretariat, preparation of AAN Foundation establishment and resource mobilization of AAN at AAN country members relevant to the autism society in the regional network.
APCD joined an online meeting of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), UN Women Asia-Pacific Regional Office/ESCAP on the topic “The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and related responses” on 15 April 2020

35 Participants who were women leaders with disabilities from the CSOs
More than 35 international participants from diverse sectors, such as Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), UN Women Asia-Pacific Regional Office/ ESCAP took part in fruitful discussions on “The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and related responses” via Zoom Application, on 15 April 2020.
The workshops were moderated by Ms. Anna Karin Jatfors, Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, UN Women. This meeting was attended by Ms. Supaanong Panyasirimongkol, Autism Expert, Project on ASEAN Autism Mapping. The purpose of the workshop was to provide a platform for collecting information of participants’ observations on the socio-economic and political impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and related responses. Discussion also referred to the impacts of the crisis on gender equality, women’s empowerment and the rights of vulnerable and marginalized groups.
East Asia and the Pacific Region
APCD participated in the UNICEF Rights, Education and Protection Programme (REAP) evaluation as Reference Group (RG), first virtual meeting on 15 April 2020

Quick overview on the roles of the reference group (RG)
APCD was invited by the UNICEF to be the Reference Group (RG) member of UNICEF Rights, Education and Protection Programme (REAP) evaluation. Via the evaluation process, APCD joined the first online meeting via Zoom Application, on 15 April 2020.
There are 8 RG members from UNICEF in the region of East Asia and the Pacific, including APCD. The purpose of online meeting was to exchange the role of reference group (RG) and share methods on the feedback mechanism for the draft inception report of REAP implemented by the UNICEF during July 01, 2015 – December 31, 2019. The online meeting was facilitated by Ms. Lieve Sabbe, Programme Specialist (Children with Disabilities), UNICEF.
Main roles of the RG are to give advice to the evaluation management team, helping the team make decisions on the preparation and design of the evaluation process as well as providing feedback and comments to the report.
Southeast Asia
The Bertram (1958) Company donated more than 400 Herbal Siang Pure Oil sets for health of Thai persons with disabilities via APCD during COVID-19 situation, 16 April 2020, Bangkok, Thailand

APCD manager and staff appreciate Bertram (1958)’s CSR implementation according to
“Building a Stronger Community for All”
A business partner of APCD implementing leisure, recreation and sports activities in accordance with Article 30 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is Bertram (1958) Company Ltd. Bertram concerns itself with the health protection of Thai persons with disabilities during COVID-19 outbreak in Thailand.
More than 400 Herbal Siang Pure Oil sets to be given to Thai persons with disabilities were donated by Bertram (1958) Company Ltd. on Thursday, 16 April 2020 at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand.
Southeast Asia
APCD In-House Capacity Development Training on Youth Leadership, 17 April 2020 at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand

Mr. Tran Van Ninh, Logistics Officer and Project Coordinator of ASEAN Autism Mapping Project facilitated the session
Monthly APCD In-House Capacity Development Training on Youth Leadership was conducted on 17 April 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand. Mr. Tran Van Ninh, Logistics Officer and Project Coordinator of ASEAN Autism Mapping Project led participatory activities related to ASEAN Youth Leadership Training Program. Via in person and online participation, the attendees enjoyed exchanging and understanding how to utilize power to empower people in daily life.