Follow-Up Meetings with Project Partners and Stakeholders, Jakarta, Indonesia,16-19 August 2017

Follow-Up Meetings with Project Partners and Stakeholders, Jakarta, Indonesia,16-19 August 2017

Group photo with Mr. Bambang Sugeng, Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry of Social Affairs of Indonesia


Visit to the Center of Small-Scale Industries

Visit to the Center of Small-Scale Industries

Follow-up meeting with 'Disability-Inclusive Drum Performance in ASEAN and Japan' performers with disabilities with APCD donating drums to the group

Follow-up meeting with 'Disability-Inclusive Drum Performance in ASEAN and Japan' performers with disabilities with APCD donating drums to the group

Visit to a special school for students with autism and intellectual disabilities

Visit to a special school for students with autism and intellectual disabilities

Visit to Yakkum Craft, a non-profit organization in Yogyakarta selling products made by persons with disabilities

Visit to Yakkum Craft, a non-profit organization in Yogyakarta selling products made by persons with disabilities