Visit of APCD Foundation Committee Vice President Prof. Emeritus Dr. Poonpit Amatyakul to 60+ Plus Chocolate Project, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 November 2018

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Visit of APCD Foundation Committee Vice President Prof. Emeritus Dr. Poonpit Amatyakul to 60+ Plus Chocolate Project, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 November 2018

APCD Foundation Committee Vice President Prof. Emeritus Dr. Poonpit Amatyakul observing the chocolate production process

Dr. Poonpit sampling 60+ Plus Chocolate Project by MarkRin products

Dr. Poonpit sampling 60+ Plus Chocolate Project by MarkRin products

APCD Executive Director Mr. Piroon Laismit briefing Dr. Poonpit about the whole chocolate product range

APCD Executive Director Mr. Piroon Laismit briefing Dr. Poonpit about

the whole chocolate product range

60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Projects Manager Mr. Sunthorn Nowarat explaing the steps for chocolate production

60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Projects Manager Mr. Sunthorn Nowarat explaining

the steps for chocolate production

Dr. Poonpit presiding over the regular APCD Foundation Committee meeting

Dr. Poonpit presiding over the regular APCD Foundation Committee meeting